Golf Cart Ordinance, effective July 19, 2024
May 7, 2024
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
Through wind, rain, snow and tornados – your township is working for you. While many hunkered down and/or watched the skies for possible dangerous weather, the Ovid Township Planning Commission worked right through weather that made many of us uneasy and concerned. With the ordinance draft complete, they voted to take the next required steps and hold a public hearing on the ordinance proposal. So mark your calendars for June 4th @ 6:00 PM and plan to be at the Township Hall located at 381 S. Angola Road to make your voices heard. Depending on the outcome of the public hearing – the ordinance will either stall or progress to the next step with a possible final approval near the peak of the summer season. Pro or con, be there and take an active part in your government’s process. We are in it together.
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
Through wind, rain, snow and tornados – your township is working for you. While many hunkered down and/or watched the skies for possible dangerous weather, the Ovid Township Planning Commission worked right through weather that made many of us uneasy and concerned. With the ordinance draft complete, they voted to take the next required steps and hold a public hearing on the ordinance proposal. So mark your calendars for June 4th @ 6:00 PM and plan to be at the Township Hall located at 381 S. Angola Road to make your voices heard. Depending on the outcome of the public hearing – the ordinance will either stall or progress to the next step with a possible final approval near the peak of the summer season. Pro or con, be there and take an active part in your government’s process. We are in it together.
April 2, 2024
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
With high expectations of spring just around the corner, so too are our hopes of the announcement of the township’s success in enacting a Golf Cart Ordinance for Ovid Township. Both are so close, yet we don’t want to make any assumptions. So don’t break out those shorts just yet and hold off on any celebrations for the passing of an ordinance as well – but we are close on both accounts.
Moods were in high spirits during Tuesday’s meeting as the ordinance draft rounded the corner and headed into the final edit phase. Selective editing by commission members assured further delays were abated and the commission routinely asked the floor for public input. It is without question this commission has worked hard to move this project along to meet the public’s need with a good sense, no frills ordinance.
The Township Board will need to ratify the ordinance once submitted to them. However, before that happens, there will need to be a public hearing to allow members of the community to have their say. We hope to hear within the week when that hearing will take place – so stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you are in support of such an ordinance, please make it known to the Planning Commission and the board how grateful you are for their efforts on your behalf. Getting everyone in the room to agree on something is never easy. The entire team at Ovid Township deserves a tremendous amount of credit for what they are doing on your behalf.
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
With high expectations of spring just around the corner, so too are our hopes of the announcement of the township’s success in enacting a Golf Cart Ordinance for Ovid Township. Both are so close, yet we don’t want to make any assumptions. So don’t break out those shorts just yet and hold off on any celebrations for the passing of an ordinance as well – but we are close on both accounts.
Moods were in high spirits during Tuesday’s meeting as the ordinance draft rounded the corner and headed into the final edit phase. Selective editing by commission members assured further delays were abated and the commission routinely asked the floor for public input. It is without question this commission has worked hard to move this project along to meet the public’s need with a good sense, no frills ordinance.
The Township Board will need to ratify the ordinance once submitted to them. However, before that happens, there will need to be a public hearing to allow members of the community to have their say. We hope to hear within the week when that hearing will take place – so stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you are in support of such an ordinance, please make it known to the Planning Commission and the board how grateful you are for their efforts on your behalf. Getting everyone in the room to agree on something is never easy. The entire team at Ovid Township deserves a tremendous amount of credit for what they are doing on your behalf.
February 6, 2024
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
Having missed the last two Planning Commission meetings due to other priorities, this update is not able to shed full light on the total efforts put forth by the Planning Commission, on everyone’s behalf. However, what is apparent is, they have spent a great deal of time and effort in furthering the construction of an ordinance that best reflects the needs of the community.
The February meeting was well attended as in addition to the full Planning Commission – other attendees included Township Supervisor Jeff O’ Dell, Township Board Member Steve Norton, Sheriff John Pollack, Township Attorney Jacob Porter and others.
A three-page draft of a proposed ordinance was argued and discussed by the members of the Planning Commission with most members in agreement with much of the document. A few points that pose stumbling blocks and resolving these few issues dealing with safety are limiting the ability to get this proposal across the finish line. Without any other unforeseen roadblocks, it appears the last sticking point concerns itself with the safety of young people riding in golf carts. While it is an admirable trait for the commission to have a desire to protect young people as best as possible, in an effort to do so, we also risk complicating policies, increasing the challenges of enforcement and creating mandates that are difficult for the community to fully comply with.
As they debate the pros and cons of these finer points, it is easy to scoff at the discussion and become frustrated. Yet, with patience, it is warming to watch the process in action. Civil debate and discussion are good things. Doing so with respect and honor are great things, for they not only drive us to find better solutions, we also earn a respect for opposing opinions. Offering validation to others and finding compromise that works for everyone is what great community leaders do and those traits are alive and well in Ovid Township.
A special note of thanks to Sheriff John Pollock for taking the time to attend the meetings. When you consider all the meetings held within the Sheriff’s jurisdiction – it entails a lot of evenings. The Sheriff does so, as he is engaged within the community he serves and it is important to him to do so. By doing so, it allowed the Planning Commission to interact and understand how to construct an ordinance that not only serves the community well but, will be one that is considerate of how well the Sheriff is able to enforce it.
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
Having missed the last two Planning Commission meetings due to other priorities, this update is not able to shed full light on the total efforts put forth by the Planning Commission, on everyone’s behalf. However, what is apparent is, they have spent a great deal of time and effort in furthering the construction of an ordinance that best reflects the needs of the community.
The February meeting was well attended as in addition to the full Planning Commission – other attendees included Township Supervisor Jeff O’ Dell, Township Board Member Steve Norton, Sheriff John Pollack, Township Attorney Jacob Porter and others.
A three-page draft of a proposed ordinance was argued and discussed by the members of the Planning Commission with most members in agreement with much of the document. A few points that pose stumbling blocks and resolving these few issues dealing with safety are limiting the ability to get this proposal across the finish line. Without any other unforeseen roadblocks, it appears the last sticking point concerns itself with the safety of young people riding in golf carts. While it is an admirable trait for the commission to have a desire to protect young people as best as possible, in an effort to do so, we also risk complicating policies, increasing the challenges of enforcement and creating mandates that are difficult for the community to fully comply with.
As they debate the pros and cons of these finer points, it is easy to scoff at the discussion and become frustrated. Yet, with patience, it is warming to watch the process in action. Civil debate and discussion are good things. Doing so with respect and honor are great things, for they not only drive us to find better solutions, we also earn a respect for opposing opinions. Offering validation to others and finding compromise that works for everyone is what great community leaders do and those traits are alive and well in Ovid Township.
A special note of thanks to Sheriff John Pollock for taking the time to attend the meetings. When you consider all the meetings held within the Sheriff’s jurisdiction – it entails a lot of evenings. The Sheriff does so, as he is engaged within the community he serves and it is important to him to do so. By doing so, it allowed the Planning Commission to interact and understand how to construct an ordinance that not only serves the community well but, will be one that is considerate of how well the Sheriff is able to enforce it.
November 7, 2023
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
The Ovid Township Planning Commission met at their regularly scheduled meeting and a representative of the township’s contracted Law Firm of Haas Caywood was in attendance to address the commission’s legal questions regarding the issue of passing an ordinance allowing the use of golf carts on public roads within the township.
Much discussion was had and the attorney addressed all of the concerns and questions that had been provided to him ahead of time. The most prevalent of questions pertained to two topics. The first being the issue of enforcement and collection of fees associated with violations. The simple answer was that enforcement is possible by the Country Sheriff and the collections of fees would be addressed like any other ordinance which would cause no addition burden and/or cost to the township. The second was the concern of such an ordinance exposing the township to any added liability. Again, counsel advised this would not increase any liability concerns for the county stemming from passing such an ordinance.
The commission referred examples of other ordinances and additional information to their attorney for review and asked for a rough draft of a proposed ordinance be drawn up by their attorney. When complete, it is the desire of the commission to review and include the Country Sheriff in the review process.
It was also noted that county commissioners recently listened to a request for an ORV ordinance. While there is consideration by the county to review, a time table is unknown and it is also unknown if a golf cart ordinance would be included with that review by the county. While the presentation was focused on ORVs, County Sherrif John Pollack asked the county commissioners to also consider addressing the use of golf carts at the same time. Nonetheless, with no time frame set by the county, Ovid Township Planning Commission felt the need to move forward with their own, in an effort to be responsive to the community’s request.
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
The Ovid Township Planning Commission met at their regularly scheduled meeting and a representative of the township’s contracted Law Firm of Haas Caywood was in attendance to address the commission’s legal questions regarding the issue of passing an ordinance allowing the use of golf carts on public roads within the township.
Much discussion was had and the attorney addressed all of the concerns and questions that had been provided to him ahead of time. The most prevalent of questions pertained to two topics. The first being the issue of enforcement and collection of fees associated with violations. The simple answer was that enforcement is possible by the Country Sheriff and the collections of fees would be addressed like any other ordinance which would cause no addition burden and/or cost to the township. The second was the concern of such an ordinance exposing the township to any added liability. Again, counsel advised this would not increase any liability concerns for the county stemming from passing such an ordinance.
The commission referred examples of other ordinances and additional information to their attorney for review and asked for a rough draft of a proposed ordinance be drawn up by their attorney. When complete, it is the desire of the commission to review and include the Country Sheriff in the review process.
It was also noted that county commissioners recently listened to a request for an ORV ordinance. While there is consideration by the county to review, a time table is unknown and it is also unknown if a golf cart ordinance would be included with that review by the county. While the presentation was focused on ORVs, County Sherrif John Pollack asked the county commissioners to also consider addressing the use of golf carts at the same time. Nonetheless, with no time frame set by the county, Ovid Township Planning Commission felt the need to move forward with their own, in an effort to be responsive to the community’s request.
October 3, 2023
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
While the crowd in attendance was much smaller than the Board Meeting, the commission took to the task of sorting through the request given them from the board.
There were many of the usual questions and conversations, yet there also were commission members who were very well-versed in the subject matter and took great pains to emphasize the need to respond in a positive fashion as it simply seems right for the community to do.
In doing their due diligence, the commission accumulated a host of questions for their legal counsel to address before going further. The Planning Commission team is moving forward in a positive light. While there will likely be some hurdles, they are approaching in a positive and community supportive fashion.
The only negative comments fielded from the community were those who did not want to have to drive around golf carts on the roads, as it was already a challenge due to the horse drawn carriages that are often encountered on area roads. No mention was made regarding all the pedestrians walking, jogging and those pushing baby strollers as being an issue. Just the golf carts and the horse drawn carriages.
Update to Golf Carts – Township Planning Commission Meeting
While the crowd in attendance was much smaller than the Board Meeting, the commission took to the task of sorting through the request given them from the board.
There were many of the usual questions and conversations, yet there also were commission members who were very well-versed in the subject matter and took great pains to emphasize the need to respond in a positive fashion as it simply seems right for the community to do.
In doing their due diligence, the commission accumulated a host of questions for their legal counsel to address before going further. The Planning Commission team is moving forward in a positive light. While there will likely be some hurdles, they are approaching in a positive and community supportive fashion.
The only negative comments fielded from the community were those who did not want to have to drive around golf carts on the roads, as it was already a challenge due to the horse drawn carriages that are often encountered on area roads. No mention was made regarding all the pedestrians walking, jogging and those pushing baby strollers as being an issue. Just the golf carts and the horse drawn carriages.
September 11, 2023
Update to Golf Carts – Township Board Meeting
As the Township Board Meeting was called to order, 27 Ovid Township residents sat patiently in the meeting space as additional chairs had to be brought in from other areas to accommodate them all.
Normal business activities of the township moved along briskly and it was not long before the topic they all desired to hear about came up on the agenda. That being, the township’s possibility of constructing an ordinance allowing the use of golf carts on public roads within the county.
Township Supervisor Jeff O’Dell afforded the room ample time and a setting that allowed for free and open discussion between community members and the yownship board. This open opportunity to be heard should be cherished and appreciated – as the township board took an earnest effort and the time to listen to the community. The board asked intelligent and relative questions as they earnestly wanted to understand the needs and passion the attendees were desiring. Unlike what some may have read in the local media, every single member of the township board was engaged and open to discussion on the subject that most of them had very little experience with.
After all was said and done… the board unanimously voted to refer the request to the Planning Commission for review. Having heard from the community, the board acted positively by assigning the responsibility of research and discovery to the Planning Commission. When that effort is complete, they will then make a recommendation back to the board for approval.
We should be proud of our Board of Trustees working on our behalf for taking the time and effort to not only afford us an opportunity to speak but, to be sincere in their intent to listen and understand.
Looking forward to the Planning Commission's first steps when they meet on October 3rd.
Update to Golf Carts – Township Board Meeting
As the Township Board Meeting was called to order, 27 Ovid Township residents sat patiently in the meeting space as additional chairs had to be brought in from other areas to accommodate them all.
Normal business activities of the township moved along briskly and it was not long before the topic they all desired to hear about came up on the agenda. That being, the township’s possibility of constructing an ordinance allowing the use of golf carts on public roads within the county.
Township Supervisor Jeff O’Dell afforded the room ample time and a setting that allowed for free and open discussion between community members and the yownship board. This open opportunity to be heard should be cherished and appreciated – as the township board took an earnest effort and the time to listen to the community. The board asked intelligent and relative questions as they earnestly wanted to understand the needs and passion the attendees were desiring. Unlike what some may have read in the local media, every single member of the township board was engaged and open to discussion on the subject that most of them had very little experience with.
After all was said and done… the board unanimously voted to refer the request to the Planning Commission for review. Having heard from the community, the board acted positively by assigning the responsibility of research and discovery to the Planning Commission. When that effort is complete, they will then make a recommendation back to the board for approval.
We should be proud of our Board of Trustees working on our behalf for taking the time and effort to not only afford us an opportunity to speak but, to be sincere in their intent to listen and understand.
Looking forward to the Planning Commission's first steps when they meet on October 3rd.
August 19, 2023
Golf carts and their use around the lake update!
A meeting was held on August 19, 2023 at the Coldwater Lake Association building. With 63 members in attendance – the support for golf cart use amongst lake area residents was keen.
Members were offered a review of the laws and dangers of golf cart use on public roads and their interests were keen on ways to make golf cart use safe and legal for lake residents.
There was one Ovid Township board member in attendance and the topic as promised an agenda item at their next board meeting on September 11, 2023 which starts at 7 PM at the Township Hall at 381 S Angola Road.
The agenda item is to communicate the community’s interest in the township pursuing a golf cart ordinance at their earliest convenience in order to benefit the lake community at large and enhance life and safety around the lake. The township has granted one speaker to represent the group in a brief presentation and area residents who have interest are encouraged to show their support by attending. There is a time set aside for public comment at the end of the meeting where those interested are able to voice their opinions.
Golf carts and their use around the lake update!
A meeting was held on August 19, 2023 at the Coldwater Lake Association building. With 63 members in attendance – the support for golf cart use amongst lake area residents was keen.
Members were offered a review of the laws and dangers of golf cart use on public roads and their interests were keen on ways to make golf cart use safe and legal for lake residents.
There was one Ovid Township board member in attendance and the topic as promised an agenda item at their next board meeting on September 11, 2023 which starts at 7 PM at the Township Hall at 381 S Angola Road.
The agenda item is to communicate the community’s interest in the township pursuing a golf cart ordinance at their earliest convenience in order to benefit the lake community at large and enhance life and safety around the lake. The township has granted one speaker to represent the group in a brief presentation and area residents who have interest are encouraged to show their support by attending. There is a time set aside for public comment at the end of the meeting where those interested are able to voice their opinions.
Golf carts and their use around the lake
What has been happening?
Over the last number of years, the increase in golf cart use on area public roads around the lake has been quite substantial. We are not alone. Across the county and across the country – communities have embraced the use of golf carts in areas of higher density and populations. Yet, their popularity has also been seen in rural and remote areas as well.
Coldwater Lake is not unique in this trend. Yet, our members and other lake communities find the ease and convenience of golf cart use goes well past the “fun” aspect of transportation. Anyone who lives around the lake knows first-hand about space coming at a premium in these areas. Not only living space, but so too, does parking.
From a practical sense, visiting neighbors and local establishments up and down the lake is enhanced through the use of these smaller, more space-conscious modes of transportation for people. While scooters have also been popular – golf carts allow for multiple passengers and also provide space for carrying that strawberry pie or, turtle cake when attending the annual neighborhood backyard feast.
What are the challenges this activity presents?
The State of Michigan does not allow the use of golf carts on public roads. While there are exceptions, if proper actions are not taken, you may be issued a citation by law enforcement for doing so. Worse yet, it could result in the escalation of other vehicular violations once stopped. While many of us may be thinking that such an occurrence would be out of the question, it is time to consider what is happening and why.
What are my options?
While the State of Michigan prohibits the use of typical golf carts on public roads, there are some options. There are means in which you can purchase a more expensive vehicle that in all aspects “looks” and “feels” like a golf cart – these vehicles are equipped with all the equipment required by the State of Michigan as a “legal” motor vehicle from a safety standpoint. Further, these qualifying vehicles come with a VIN number from the manufacturer that allows it to be plated – similar to how you would plate your motor vehicle. These vehicles typically fall under the “Slow Moving Vehicle” exception under the State’s Motor Vehicle Code and have a set of rules of their own. While these carts are more expensive than typical golf carts – it is an option.
The more typical golf cart used by members today do not qualify for the application above as they do not contain all the safety equipment, nor do they provide for a VIN number from the manufacture. The reason is, these carts are intended for use on private property and golf courses. Their adaption for use on private roads is common and typically pose little to no threat in such cases. However, when we make the decision to venture out onto public roads, all things change. Now, we are bound to the rules and laws of the State of Michigan that pertain to such public roadways. Furthermore, the State Police and County Sheriff are dutiful bound to enforce the laws of the State.
Is there no option for my standard Golf Cart?
The State of Michigan is sympathetic to your concerns. While they desire to maintain our public roads safe for all – they understand there are areas with special needs and/or circumstances. In order to address them, there is an exception to the law that allows any Township of less than 30,000 people – the ability to construct an ordinance – allowing for the use of standard Golf Carts – within certain State mandated limitations.
As of today – none of the Townships around the lake have passed an ordinance allowing the use of Golf Carts. As such, the Sheriff and State Police have no choice other than to issue warnings at best and citations at worst, to anyone using typical Golf Carts on public roads. For now, users need to be aware.
Is passing an ordinance an easy thing for my township to do?
Passing ordinances is not a difficult task in and of itself. Passing an ordinance that enables the practical use of golf carts by “lakers” and also falls within the State’s restrictions is likely more challenging and does require more time, effort and thought than what may appear on the surface.
Some things to keep in mind. No matter what the township would like to pass in an ordinance, there are certain restrictions the State places on such ordinances, such as, under no circumstance is anyone under the age of 16 allowed to operate a golf cart on public roads. No golf carts are allowed to operate on roads where the speed limit is in excess of 35 MPH. No golf carts are allowed to be operated on public roads after dusk and before dawn.
When considering all of the restrictions placed on the townships who pass such an ordinance, it does take time and thought to construct an ordinance that properly serves the community.
What has been happening?
Over the last number of years, the increase in golf cart use on area public roads around the lake has been quite substantial. We are not alone. Across the county and across the country – communities have embraced the use of golf carts in areas of higher density and populations. Yet, their popularity has also been seen in rural and remote areas as well.
Coldwater Lake is not unique in this trend. Yet, our members and other lake communities find the ease and convenience of golf cart use goes well past the “fun” aspect of transportation. Anyone who lives around the lake knows first-hand about space coming at a premium in these areas. Not only living space, but so too, does parking.
From a practical sense, visiting neighbors and local establishments up and down the lake is enhanced through the use of these smaller, more space-conscious modes of transportation for people. While scooters have also been popular – golf carts allow for multiple passengers and also provide space for carrying that strawberry pie or, turtle cake when attending the annual neighborhood backyard feast.
What are the challenges this activity presents?
The State of Michigan does not allow the use of golf carts on public roads. While there are exceptions, if proper actions are not taken, you may be issued a citation by law enforcement for doing so. Worse yet, it could result in the escalation of other vehicular violations once stopped. While many of us may be thinking that such an occurrence would be out of the question, it is time to consider what is happening and why.
What are my options?
While the State of Michigan prohibits the use of typical golf carts on public roads, there are some options. There are means in which you can purchase a more expensive vehicle that in all aspects “looks” and “feels” like a golf cart – these vehicles are equipped with all the equipment required by the State of Michigan as a “legal” motor vehicle from a safety standpoint. Further, these qualifying vehicles come with a VIN number from the manufacturer that allows it to be plated – similar to how you would plate your motor vehicle. These vehicles typically fall under the “Slow Moving Vehicle” exception under the State’s Motor Vehicle Code and have a set of rules of their own. While these carts are more expensive than typical golf carts – it is an option.
The more typical golf cart used by members today do not qualify for the application above as they do not contain all the safety equipment, nor do they provide for a VIN number from the manufacture. The reason is, these carts are intended for use on private property and golf courses. Their adaption for use on private roads is common and typically pose little to no threat in such cases. However, when we make the decision to venture out onto public roads, all things change. Now, we are bound to the rules and laws of the State of Michigan that pertain to such public roadways. Furthermore, the State Police and County Sheriff are dutiful bound to enforce the laws of the State.
Is there no option for my standard Golf Cart?
The State of Michigan is sympathetic to your concerns. While they desire to maintain our public roads safe for all – they understand there are areas with special needs and/or circumstances. In order to address them, there is an exception to the law that allows any Township of less than 30,000 people – the ability to construct an ordinance – allowing for the use of standard Golf Carts – within certain State mandated limitations.
As of today – none of the Townships around the lake have passed an ordinance allowing the use of Golf Carts. As such, the Sheriff and State Police have no choice other than to issue warnings at best and citations at worst, to anyone using typical Golf Carts on public roads. For now, users need to be aware.
Is passing an ordinance an easy thing for my township to do?
Passing ordinances is not a difficult task in and of itself. Passing an ordinance that enables the practical use of golf carts by “lakers” and also falls within the State’s restrictions is likely more challenging and does require more time, effort and thought than what may appear on the surface.
Some things to keep in mind. No matter what the township would like to pass in an ordinance, there are certain restrictions the State places on such ordinances, such as, under no circumstance is anyone under the age of 16 allowed to operate a golf cart on public roads. No golf carts are allowed to operate on roads where the speed limit is in excess of 35 MPH. No golf carts are allowed to be operated on public roads after dusk and before dawn.
When considering all of the restrictions placed on the townships who pass such an ordinance, it does take time and thought to construct an ordinance that properly serves the community.